Thursday, February 2, 2017

First Blog PEost - Where Do I Begin?

I have been thinking about Blogging for some time, and  I should have started some time ago, but I didn’t. Today is cold, snowy, and icy out, it seemed like a good thing to do.

The question is, where to begin?  Do I go backwards, and fill in from where I started or just move forward from today.

Maybe I should start from the day that I actually started running, or the day I was told to start running; then I will fast forward from there.  How or why did I start running?  Well, just under 5 years ago – the year I turned 50, I was leaving my gym and a new trainer stopped me and asked me if I wanted to know my BMI.  I didn’t know what it was, so he measured me. I though I thought was fairly fit and doing well, my BMI told me otherwise. Basically at 118lbs, 5′ I was obese.  Really?  So, I signed up for a few personal training session.  My first trainer was Michael Numan.  The first time I worked out with him he sat down and wrote me a workout plan – which by the way, I still have.  I believe he called it “the Stairway to Heaven”  I will have to find it, and post it in the future.  He also included running in my plan on the days I didn't workout at the gym.  What?  I don’t run, but it was in the plan.  Mike also told me that he wanted me to run a 5k by the end of the summer.  First of all is was the beginning of April, so I figured I had time, and second – just how far is a 5k?  3.1 miles?! Seriously?  No way I could run that far, but I went ahead and started.  The first time I ran, I couldn’t even get down to the end of the street before I walked, but I kept going.  I would walk and run, walk and run.  I don’t remember how long it took me to finally run a whole mile without stopping, but eventually I was able to do it.

I ran my first 5k on May 5, 2012, the CSU Cinco Cinco race.  I actually didn’t run the whole way, but I took three short walking breaks.  But I did it. Wow, I couldn’t believe it.  I was pretty darn happy about that.  But, this wasn’t the “race” that Mike had wanted me to do.  I snuck it in because I was so worried about doing the one he wanted.  On May 21st, I ran the Pink Boa Race, benefiting breast cancer survivors, and  I actually ran the whole race that time!  Wow, I was thrilled.  I actually ran 3.1 miles without stopping!  I was so encouraged, and I kept at it.

When I told Mike that I had successfully run my first 5k, and it wasn’t technically even SUMMER yet, he then told me I was to run a 10k by the end of the summer.  10k?  How far is that?  Twice a 5k, right?  6.2 miles?  Is that even possible?  How could anyone just run 6.2 miles because they wanted too?  So, I started training and looking for that perfect race.

The perfect race turned out to be my first Endurance Race Series Race in Denver at Cherry Creek Reservoir.  It was a trail race, and it didn't have much elevation gain.  I much preferred to run on trails, and with little elevation gain, this seemed like a place to start.  When I ran the race, I had never even run 6.2 miles, but I did it.  And that's where it really began . . . .

I never thought I could even run one mile, but what I discovered is that if you put one foot in front of the other, you never know  how far you can go. There are other reasons I started running, look at my future post Running for Therapy.  How many times during your life have you wanted to run away? For me, it's been several.  But my home, animals, and work have always kept me from doing that.  You can't run away unless you practice, unless you start you journey towards that day when you do run away.  And now that I am almost there, I think I will stay.  I had to invent my life over, I had to deal with things that happened, and most importantly, I had to find me again.  Join me on my journey.  Come run with me.

                                                First 5k: CSU Cinco Cinco, May 5, 2012
                          First 10K, Endurance Race Series; Cherry Creek, Denver, Colorado

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