I was fairly surprised, as the run really didn't go too badly! My body was a little sore, but generally I felt good. About .5 miles into the run, once again, here comes another runner, and passes me like I was just standing there looking over Pine Ridge Reservoir. Of course I say hello, and she smiles and easily passes me. I have all kinds of excuses like: "she's half my age" "she's so much taller than me", but regardless, it doesn't matter. She passed me like I was standing still. Which brings me to the zombies. I love the movie WARM BODIES, and at the beginning "R" says "why do I move so slow?" That's really what I am thinking. Like R, there is no one to answer. I have no idea. I push myself up the first hill as fast as I could possibly go, which is slow - but I am doing it. Like a Zombie, like "R". After getting up the next hill, I see Super Girl standing on the middle of the dam, taking pictures? I have no idea, but then she just turned and ran, full stride up the Monster Hill like it wasn't even a hill. Starting up the hill, I once again get passed by another Super Woman, and possibly her Father (he was clearly having issues with the hill), and eventually they walked. I decided to use them as my target, and at the very top I finally passed them! Nice.
When we got to the top, we took the usual picture, and continued our run to the 4 mile point, at which we turned around and headed back the way we came. The 4 mile point is just after the guardrail ends on the other side of the second dam that we run across. Going back is the hard part, as from that point, it is pretty much a long up hill battle to the top of the Monster Hill, before you finally get to go down - which is so steep that it hurts. I have to admit that I had to walk in a few places on the uphill, and I was really OK with it. I wanted to do a body check and see how it was feeling. Do my hips or my back hurt? How's the IT band, etc. Everything seemed well, except I was still a Zombie, running along Centennial drive.
Julie, "R's" girlfriend in the movie said to him "R, you can dream if you want too", so that's what I do while I am running. Dream of some day running up the Monster Hill in full stride, just like Super Girl. She also said "you can be whatever you want". I may not be able to really be Super Girl, but what I want to be is a runner. And I am. Maybe I am still slow, like a Zombie, but I am a runner.
My favorite part of this training course is the last .5 miles, where you can see the parking lot where my truck is, and you know from there, it's all down hill. I am pretty happy at this point and feeling good about my 8 mile accomplishment, and right then, who should appear? Super Girl. I say hello again, and point out to her that this was the exact same point she passed me going the other way. She laughed and said I was correct, and "what a beautiful day for a run". I had to agree, it's February, and its 61 degrees with a slight breeze. You really can't beat that. But Super Girl just continued to fly past me on her Super Legs - I don't even think she was sweating. . . . .Maybe she's the Zombie, I don't think they sweat.
After the run, we went to McDonald's for a coke, and headed back home. I did take note that I really didn't feel bad at all, and realized that I could have even run somewhat further. I did my stretching and isometrics after I showered and had lunch. Later that afternoon I headed down to Boulder with a friend of mine, Crissiann, who is also a runner and a SkirtSport Ambassador. We were going to the monthly presentation at the SkirtSport Store, Women Run The World. Enjoyed most of it, and was thrilled to meet 3 other Ambassadors that I had met on FB. What a great group of women. I am so grateful for this Ambassadorship, as well as the other two that I have (I will talk about that later on another day). I may be a Zombie, but I have friends. And that's what WARM BODIES is all about, heart, soul, and love. Those things along with determination get us where we are. And if we have all those things, we can't be Zombie's.
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Climbing to the lookout at Rotary Park |
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At the top |
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Looking south from the top |
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