Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Three Months Post-Surgery

So, here I am.  I have finally reached my 3 month post L4L5 Back Fusion surgery date!  What does this mean?  It means that I have 3 month post-0p radiographs taken last week, and I had my 3 month recheck at the surgeon office, and had my first PT session with Craig this morning!  The radiographs looks good, and the fusion is healing well without any issues.  I have followed my strict restrictions, and it’s now time to move forward with the next phase of healing.  It is time I start moving better, and getting my body back to being more flexible and stronger again.  And it’s time to think about starting to run again soon!  Craig is going to put me on the bike later this week so I can start rebuilding, and of course he gave me PT exercises to do at home twice a day.  He wants me to continue to walking daily and increase my distances, as I have been doing since I starting walking after surgery.  It has been a pretty exciting 5 days for me as I am realizing that it is time to move on to the second phase of my recovery. I am sure I will be sore for the next several days (weeks)

No, it hasn’t been easy.  This last month has been difficult.  As I get more mobile, I get more restless.  I also have had more anxiety, and my blood pressure has risen and then fallen again.  I don’t sleep well most nights, which is really frustrating.  This has mostly been due to some numbness and tingling in my right quad area that seems to occur when I go to bed at night and lay on my back.  I am supposed to be sleeping on my back as much as possible, but the leg tingling keeps me awake and wakes me up at night.  I finally decided that since this problem goes away when I sleep on my side, it’s time to go back to being a side sleeper.  It was sort of uncomfortable at first, but as time went on, it is so much better, and I seem to sleep better.  I started taking Thrive REST some nights, and also started using an Essential Oil Diffuser with Lavender in it each night.  I seem to be getting better sleep.  I am not sure what it working the best, but as long as I get better rest, I will just keep doing all of it.

I have also had to deal with some “mental” issues.  Let’s just say that I cry a lot.  My back can get really tight, it’s not painful, but it’s awful.  I try to maintain a good attitude, but the crying just comes when it wants to come.  Then the anxiety comes.  It’s hard to move around in public, as I am worried I will get bumped or hit.  It’s also stressful to realize that when I out that it is difficult to do things, which is frustrating.  If I drop something, I cannot just pick it up.  I cannot bend down to get things.  I am still under the BLT restrictions, and will be for some time.  I hate being like this, I feel hopeless at times and wonder why God hasn’t healed me.  I keep getting the same message “I am healing you.  Be patient”.  Last week was particularly bad, but I think I am getting through all that for right now, but I never know how I will be feeling an hour from now.  

I also have a very small world right now, being stuck at home most of the time.  I feel like I have lost friends.  I have a few friends that I have seen, and they have been supportive, but a lot of the time I feel lonely. Friends that have been there for me have been Linda, Ebeth, Nara, Stacy, and Ellen; and Melissa Corp from MySoxyFeet even called me.  These people are amazing.  I feel like I have lost one friend that I always thought would be there, but all good things don’t always last.  People move on. 
Tom has been more than amazing.  He has maintained the animals, the property, and he takes care of me, AND he is training for the Horsetooth Half.  I cannot give him enough praise and thanks for everything that he has done for me. Tom and Riley have run several 5k's and a 10k together, which has been really fun to see.  Tom is fast, and getting faster without me.  I am proud of him for his new achievements. He has taught me compassion and how to be giving and caring.  There is just no way to “pay him back” for all he has done for me.  I guess I would say that’s what you do when you love someone. 
The other support system I have has been Riley and Cabby.  I always have a dog to give me a kiss and cuddle up with.  My donkeys.  Donkey hugs are the best.  I believe Hermes is here to help me heal, he is doing a great job. Sometimes healing comes in packages that are wrapped different then most.

As I stated in my last post, I have been walking almost every day since my surgery, starting on day 23 post surgery.  My first walk was on the dreadmill for only .50 miles.  I have since progressed to mostly walking outside, and my longest walk so far has been 4.3 miles.  I am hoping to be up to 6 miles by April 15th. I have my first ERS 10k on April 28th.  Believe me, it seems like a long way to walk.  I don’t walk fast, but I get it done.  Right now I have a goal of 3.2 miles each day, and then I have one long walk each week.  Craig is totally excited about this, and we plan on increasing the mileage and incorporate some running into it soon.  It’s been tough walking each day, but getting out and walking is great mental therapy, and I am grateful for every day I can get out and walk.  I am proud of myself for moving forward each day.  I have gained weight, and lost muscle tone, and I am totally unfit; don’t quit, get fit. 

Lastly, I feel like within this all of this difficultness of healing, and the crying, and the toughness; I have grown.  I started journaling with my new Dragon Tree journal, which has really helped me.  I also color, and put puzzles together.  These things, along with reading and watching movies have helped me.  I have tried new things, learned new things, and embraced this things. I have also found more faith in God during these times, and He has helped me through this. There is always something good that comes out of these kinds of struggles.

Don’t Quit. Life is an experience, and no one said it would be easy.
#enduranceraceseries #MySoxyFeet #Skirtsports

Now and before


Hermes and I on St. Patricks Day

Me, Riley, Tom and Cabby on one of our walks